Borosilicate Glass Tubing FIOLAX® clear

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FIOLAX® clear
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Clear, neutral borosilicate glass tubing, Acc. to current pharmacopoeias with high chemical and hydrolitic resistance.

Los datos sobre este material han sido proporcionados por Schott Glass Tubing.

A menos que se indique lo contrario, todas las medidas corresponden a condiciones de temperatura ambiente. A menos que se indique lo contrario, se utilizan las unidades del SI.
Las normas armonizadas son similares a uno o varios estándares del proveedor. Es posible que algunas normas armonizadas se ajusten al estándar original, mientras que otras pueden quedar fuera de su alcance.

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2.34 g/cm³

Show Supplier Material materials with Densidad of 2.34 g/cm³



Coeficiente de Poisson

0.2 [-]

Show Supplier Material materials with Coeficiente de Poisson of 0.2 [-]

Módulo elástico

73 GPa

Show Supplier Material materials with Módulo elástico of 73 GPa

Aplicaciones térmicas

PropertyTemperatureValueTesting StandardComment

Coeficiente de dilatación térmica

4.9e-06 1/K

Show Supplier Material materials with Coeficiente de dilatación térmica of 4.9e-06 1/K

ISO 7991

mean value for 20-300 °C

Conductividad térmica

90 °C

1.2 W/(m·K)

Show Supplier Material materials with Conductividad térmica of 1.2 W/(m·K)

Softening temperature

785.0 °C

Show Supplier Material materials with Softening temperature of 785.0 °C

ISO 7884-3

Viscosity 10⁷·⁶ dPa·s

Specific electrical resistance temperature

215.0 °C

Show Supplier Material materials with Specific electrical resistance temperature of 215.0 °C

For ρ=10⁸ Ω·cm

Temperatura de recocido

565.0 °C

Show Supplier Material materials with Temperatura de recocido of 565.0 °C

ISO 7884-4

Viscosity 10¹³ dPa·s

Temperatura de transición del vidrio

565 °C

Show Supplier Material materials with Temperatura de transición del vidrio of 565 °C

ISO 7884-8

Working temperature

1160.0 °C

Show Supplier Material materials with Working temperature of 1160.0 °C

ISO 7884-2

Viscosity 10⁴ dPa·s



Constante dieléctrica

5.7 [-]

Show Supplier Material materials with Constante dieléctrica of 5.7 [-]


Tangente de pérdidas

0.008 [-]

Show Supplier Material materials with Tangente de pérdidas of 0.008 [-]



PropertyValueTesting StandardComment

Stress optical coefficient

3.4e-06 mm²/N

Show Supplier Material materials with Stress optical coefficient of 3.4e-06 mm²/N

DIN 52314

Índice de refracción

1.5 [-]

Show Supplier Material materials with Índice de refracción of 1.5 [-]

at λ=587.6 nm

Chemical properties



5 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Aluminio of 5 %



10.5 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Boro of 10.5 %



1.5 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Calcio of 1.5 %



75 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Silicona of 75 %



7 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Sodio of 7 %


Technological properties

Application areas

Pharmaceutical packaging (Ampoules, Vials, Tablet bottles, Cartridges, Syringes).

Corrosion properties

Hydrolytic resistance Class HGB1 (ISO 719), Type I (Ph. Eur.), Type I (USP), Fullfield (JP) - Acid resistance Class S1 (DIN 12116) - Alkali resistance Class A2 (ISO695), ASTM E 438 Type I Class B