A brand new experience for the materials industry

Matmatch is a materials search platform that connects engineers and material suppliers through the most comprehensive materials database in the world.

Our mission

We connect engineers, product designers and procurement teams with the best materials and suppliers for their job.

Our mission

Our vision

We want to inspire people to build better products by changing the way the world discovers and uses materials.

Our vision

Discover, compare and evaluate over 31000 materials

Do get in touch if you are interested to explore working with us.

Our values

These are the core values that define the way we work and our company culture

Collaborate & Connect

Collaborate & Connect

We strive to build strong connections in our team, with users of our product and between material suppliers & engineers

Embrace Change

Embrace Change

We stay open-minded and want to drive digital change in the materials industry

Stay Curious

Stay Curious

We are excited to discover new possibilities and learn more about the fascinating world of materials