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In addition to their excellent corrosion resistance which ensures a long service life for structures over several decades, the UGIGRIP® range provides a guarantee of:

  • Higher mechanical properties than with conventional steel, which allows the use of smaller cross sections or a reduction in reinforcement (meaning weight and labour savings);
  • Mechanical properties – yield strength and elongation – meeting the requirements of Eurocode 8, class M for earthquake-resistant construction;
  • A selection of non-magnetic stainless steels for buildings where this property is required: hospitals, banks, airports, meteorological stations, etc.
  • Mechanical properties at high temperature – tensile and creep – exceeding those of conventional steels, giving improved fire resistance;
  • A very low thermal conductivity which gives this product exceptional properties for treating thermal bridges.

    New ECISS harmonized European standard currently being prepared. In accordance with European design codes in the construction field, the products of the UGIGRIP® range comply with Eurocode 2 (cf. prEN 1992-1-1 sub-section and Eurocode 3 (cf. prEN 1993-1-4).

    Not magnetic

  • Related Standards

    Equivalent Materials

    Los datos sobre este material han sido proporcionados por Ugitech SA.

    A menos que se indique lo contrario, todas las medidas corresponden a condiciones de temperatura ambiente. A menos que se indique lo contrario, se utilizan las unidades del SI.
    Las normas armonizadas son similares a uno o varios estándares del proveedor. Es posible que algunas normas armonizadas se ajusten al estándar original, mientras que otras pueden quedar fuera de su alcance.

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    7.9 g/cm³

    Show Supplier Material materials with Densidad of 7.9 g/cm³




    15 %

    Show Supplier Material materials with Elongación of 15 %


    Módulo elástico

    193 GPa

    Show Supplier Material materials with Módulo elástico of 193 GPa


    Resistencia a la tracción

    575 MPa

    Show Supplier Material materials with Resistencia a la tracción of 575 MPa


    Aplicaciones térmicas


    Coeficiente de dilatación térmica

    0.000016 1/K

    Show Supplier Material materials with Coeficiente de dilatación térmica of 0.000016 1/K

    20 to 100°C

    Conductividad térmica

    15 W/(m·K)

    Show Supplier Material materials with Conductividad térmica of 15 W/(m·K)



    Resistividad eléctrica

    7.3e-05 Ω·m

    Show Supplier Material materials with Resistividad eléctrica of 7.3e-05 Ω·m


    Chemical properties




    Technological properties

    Application areas

    In the most exposed parts of the structure, stainless steel reinforcing bars are the most efficient solution to ensure the durability of concrete. Stainless steel rebars are used for repairs and for new works, partially or completely replacing carbon steels, both in precast products and for the execution of cast-in-situ structures.

    Corrosion properties

    UGIGRIP® is "stainless to the core", and there are therefore no worries about durability over time and no worries concerning metal cutting locations.

    The passive layer: Stainless steels produce a very thin oxide on the surface, consisting of chromium oxides and hydroxides a few Angstroms thick. This oxide, commonly called the passive layer, protects the stainless steel from external attacks and provides it with properties ensuring the corrosion resistance of these alloys. The passive layer forms an intrinsic part of the material, unlike the zinc deposited by galvanization on steels, which explains why stainless steel has essential advantages. Once formed, this layer is perfectly stable, because its thickness remains constant. The passive layer inhibits any exchange between the metal and the outside: in the event of an incident on the material (scratch, cutting, impact, drilling, deformation, etc.), it is reformed spontaneously. This self-restructuring is also called "repassivation".

    Choosing the most appropriate grade: Only by choosing the appropriate grade for the operating environment can the durability of structures be increased depending on the areas of exposure. European standard EN 206-1 defines the five main exposure classes of concrete structures. Depending on the environment to which the part of the structure is exposed, Ugitech recommends using the following grades of stainless steel.

    Note; Stainless steel grade recommendation is made irrespective of the quality (porosity and permeability) of the concrete used.

    Exposure classRecommendation TYPE GRADES
    DUPLEX Conventional grades AISI/EN
    Class XC (carbonation)XC1.4062304/4301
    Class XD (chlorides other than marine chlorides, including road salt)XD1and XD21.4062304/4301
    Classes XS (marine chlorides)XS11.4362316/4401
    XS2 and XS31.4462
    Class XF (freezing/thawing with deicing agent)XF1 and XF21.4362316/4401
    XF3 and XF41.4462
    Class XA (chemical attacks)XA11.4362316/4401
    XA2 and XA31.4462


    Geometry of indented reinforcing bars

    UGIGRIP® reinforcing bars are of the bolted rebar type: Bolted rebars show at least two bolt fields with a uniform space. They can be with or without ribs; when there are ribs, their height (a') must not exceed 0.15 d (d = nominal diameter of the rebar).(See the picture part of the datasheet)

    Note: The angle of inclination of the bolts on the longitudinal axis of the product must be in a range between 35° and 75°. In any diametral plane, the angle of inclination of the sides of the bolts with the generatrix of the core contained in that plane must be greater than or equal to 45°.

    Bolt height and spacing
    Nominal diameter of product (d) mmBolt height (h) mmSpacing between bolts (c) mm

    The height of the bolts must be in a range between 0.05 d and 0.1 d; the bolt spacing must be in a range between 0.5 d and 1.0 d (d = nominal diameter of the product). Form factors: The standards require rebar surface shape characteristics capable of ensuring steel/concrete bonding. The requirements cover minimum values, either for bolt height or recess depth, or the "relative surface area" of the bolts (fR). The bolt form factor must comply with the requirements given in the table below, depending on the product's nominal diameter. Minimum form factor (fR):

    Nominal diameter of the rebar (d) mm Min. fR
    5 and 60.039
    7 and 80.045
    9 and 100.052
    12 to 500.056

    Mass per unit length of stainless steel rebars
    DiameterNominal cross sectionDensity 7.8 kg/dm3Density 7.9 kg/dm3Density 8 kg/dm3
    4 12.60.0970.0980.099
    32804 6.1936.2726.352

    Product marking: The products manufactured by Ugitech are referenced individually according to the production plant. This mark is affixed regularly on the coils and bars produced by Ugitech:
  • Cold-rolled products: 0-4-7-3
  • Hot-rolled products: 0-3-7-3

    Standard products: UGIGRIP® products can be delivered in various forms:
  • Indented wire coils
  • Indented bars
  • Welded mesh
  • Standardized rebars
  • Customized frame shaping
  • Wire ties dia. 0.8 mm or 1.2 mm

    UGIGRIP® rangeCharacteristicsTolerances
    Cold indentedBarsDiameter 6 to 25Up to 12,000 mm+100/-0 mm
    CoilsDiameter 6 to 14Coils, 1000/2000 kg+/- 15%
    Hot indentedBarsDiameter 32 to 40Up to 11,700 mm
    Other, contact the supplier.

  • Welding

    UGIGRIP® stainless steels are weldable by all types of processes used for welding rebar steels (electrical discharge, friction, resistance, solid wire or flux-cored wire MIG, coated-electrode arc, etc.).