UNS S31803 Plate

Alternative and trade names
UNS S31803, ALLOY 1.4462, DUPLEX UNS S31803, UNS S32205
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Duplex UNS S31803 is the most common duplex grade in the market with high mechanical strength. It is widely used in Oil & Gas Industry, hydro power, pressure vessels, pulp & Equipment for the Paper Industry, Paper Industry, structural components and chemical tankers. The alloy is not intended to be used at temperatures above 300°C due to embrittlement.

Related Standards

Equivalent Materials

This material data has been provided by Sverdrup Steel.

"Typical" values were obtained via a literature search. "Predicted" values were imputed via artificial intelligence technology. While we have placed significant efforts in ensuring data accuracy, "typical" and "predicted" data should be considered indicative and verified by appropriate material testing. Please do contact us if additional information on the the predicted data method is required.
All metrics apply to room temperature unless otherwise stated. SI units used unless otherwise stated.
Equivalent standards are similar to one or more standards provided by the supplier. Some equivalent standards may be stricter whereas others may be outside the bounds of the original standard.

Ashby charts





2000 - 6000 mm

Show Supplier Material materials with Length of 2000 - 6000 mm


1 - 50 mm

Show Supplier Material materials with Thickness of 1 - 50 mm


1000 - 2000 mm

Show Supplier Material materials with Width of 1000 - 2000 mm



Charpy impact energy, V-notch

-46.0 °C

45 J

Show Supplier Material materials with Charpy impact energy, V-notch of 45 J


23.0 °C

25 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Elongation of 25 %

Hardness, Brinell

23.0 °C

270 [-]

Show Supplier Material materials with Hardness, Brinell of 270 [-]

Tensile strength

23.0 °C

650 - 880 MPa

Show Supplier Material materials with Tensile strength of 650 - 880 MPa

Yield strength Rp0.2

23.0 °C

450 MPa

Show Supplier Material materials with Yield strength Rp0.2 of 450 MPa

Chemical properties



0.03 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Carbon of 0.03 %


21 - 23 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Chromium of 21 - 23 %




2 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Manganese of 2 %


2.5 - 3.5 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Molybdenum of 2.5 - 3.5 %


4.5 - 6.5 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Nickel of 4.5 - 6.5 %


0.1 - 0.22 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Nitrogen of 0.1 - 0.22 %


0.03 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Phosphorus of 0.03 %


1 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Silicon of 1 %


0.015 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Sulfur of 0.015 %

Technological properties

Application areas

It is widely used in Oil & Gas Industry, hydro power, pressure vessels, pulp & Equipment for the Paper Industry, structural components and chemical tankers.

Corrosion properties

High resistance to stress corrosion cracking in halide containing environments, High resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, High resistance to general corrosion, High resistance to erosion corrosion and corrosion fatigue. PREN ≥ 34

Heat Treatment

Solution annealing at 1020 – 1100°C followed by water quenching.


Very good