Boehmite MP84-2

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GNPGraystar’s Boehmite is formed by the hydrothermal aging of aluminum hydroxide. P84 is a fully crystalline (99%) boehmite with low impurity content. The small particle size and the unique structure of oxide hydroxide make it appropriate for use in various industries.

This material data has been provided by GNPGraystar Specialty Materials.

"Typical" values were obtained via a literature search. "Predicted" values were imputed via artificial intelligence technology. While we have placed significant efforts in ensuring data accuracy, "typical" and "predicted" data should be considered indicative and verified by appropriate material testing. Please do contact us if additional information on the the predicted data method is required.
All metrics apply to room temperature unless otherwise stated. SI units used unless otherwise stated.
Equivalent standards are similar to one or more standards provided by the supplier. Some equivalent standards may be stricter whereas others may be outside the bounds of the original standard.

Ashby charts




Anhydrous Solids Content

81 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Anhydrous Solids Content of 81 %


85 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Anhydrous Solids Content of 85 %


Bulk density

0.45 - 0.65 g/cm³

Show Supplier Material materials with Bulk density of 0.45 - 0.65 g/cm³

Particle size D50

1.0 - 3.0 μm

Show Supplier Material materials with Particle size D50 of 1.0 - 3.0 μm

Specific surface area

5.0 - 15.0 m²/g

Show Supplier Material materials with Specific surface area of 5.0 - 15.0 m²/g


Chemical properties



79.0 - 85.0 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Aluminium of 79.0 - 85.0 %



0.02 - 0.1 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Iron of 0.02 - 0.1 %



97.0 - 99.0 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Other of 97.0 - 99.0 %

Aluminium Oxyhydroxide AlO(OH)


0.1 - 0.2 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Sodium of 0.1 - 0.2 %


Technological properties

Application areas

The result of producing boehmite with the hydrothermal method is a crystalline aluminum oxide hydroxide, which is used as a catalyst in the oil industry. Aluminum oxides are gaining in importance as an environmentally friendly refractory material without halogen elements in polymers, which are treated at higher temperatures. Boehmites are stable at high temperatures and optimal for use in electric thermal insulation elements

