ASTM B643 Grade C17200 TH04

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Alternative and trade names
Alloy 25 (C17200) Tube,Alloys 25 (C17200) Forgings and Extrusions,Alloy 25 (C17200) Wire
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Alloy 25 Tube from Materion Performance Alloys provides the highest strength of any copper alloy, with electrical conductivity considerably greater than other high strength copper alloys. This alloy features high fatigue strength and magnetic permeability approaching unity.

Related Standards

Equivalent Materials

This material data has been provided by,Materion Brush GmbH.

"Typical" values were obtained via a literature search. "Predicted" values were imputed via artificial intelligence technology. While we have placed significant efforts in ensuring data accuracy, "typical" and "predicted" data should be considered indicative and verified by appropriate material testing. Please do contact us if additional information on the the predicted data method is required.
All metrics apply to room temperature unless otherwise stated. SI units used unless otherwise stated.
Equivalent standards are similar to one or more standards provided by the supplier. Some equivalent standards may be stricter whereas others may be outside the bounds of the original standard.

Ashby charts

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23.0 °C

8.3 - 8.8 g/cm³

Show Material materials with Density of 8.3 - 8.8 g/cm³




1.27 - 12.7 mm

Show Material materials with Diameter of 1.27 - 12.7 mm

Outside diameter

9.5 - 76 mm

Show Material materials with Outside diameter of 9.5 - 76 mm

Wall thickness

10-20% of outside diameter



Elastic modulus

23.0 °C

130 - 131 GPa

Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 130 - 131 GPa


23.0 °C

1 - 60 %

Show Material materials with Elongation of 1 - 60 %

min.,min., for wire with 0.1mm diameter and more.

Hardness, Rockwell B

23.0 °C

45 - 85 [-]

Show Material materials with Hardness, Rockwell B of 45 - 85 [-]

Tensile strength

23.0 °C

410 - 1590 MPa

Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 410 - 1590 MPa

Yield strength

23.0 °C

1220 MPa

Show Material materials with Yield strength of 1220 MPa

Yield strength Rp0.2

23.0 °C

130 - 1520 MPa

Show Material materials with Yield strength Rp0.2 of 130 - 1520 MPa



Coefficient of thermal expansion

23.0 °C

1.75E-5 - 1.8E-5 1/K

Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.75E-5 - 1.8E-5 1/K

Melting point

870 °C

Show Material materials with Melting point of 870 °C

Specific heat capacity

23.0 °C

360 J/(kg·K)

Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 360 J/(kg·K)

Thermal conductivity

23.0 °C

105 - 110 W/(m·K)

Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 105 - 110 W/(m·K)



Electrical resistivity

23.0 °C

5.8E-6 - 7.8E-6 Ω·m

Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 5.8E-6 - 7.8E-6 Ω·m

Specific Electrical conductivity

22 - 30 % IACS

Show Material materials with Specific Electrical conductivity of 22 - 30 % IACS



Relative magnetic permeability

23.0 °C

1 [-]

Show Material materials with Relative magnetic permeability of 1 [-]


Chemical properties



0 - 0.2 %

Show Material materials with Aluminium of 0 - 0.2 %


1.8 - 2 %

Show Material materials with Beryllium of 1.8 - 2 %


0.2 %

Show Material materials with Cobalt of 0.2 %

min. Nickel + Cobalt


96.1 - 98 %

Show Material materials with Copper of 96.1 - 98 %



0 - 0.6 %

Show Material materials with Iron of 0 - 0.6 %

max., Nickel + Cobalt + Iron,max. Nickel + Cobalt + Iron


0.2 - 0.6 %

Show Material materials with Lead of 0.2 - 0.6 %


0.2 - 0.6 %

Show Material materials with Nickel of 0.2 - 0.6 %

min. Nickel + Cobalt


0 - 0.5 %

Show Material materials with Other of 0 - 0.5 %


0 - 0.2 %

Show Material materials with Silicon of 0 - 0.2 %

Technological properties

Application areas

Typical applications include bushings and bearings for aircraft as well as drill collars and instrument housings for oil and gas exploration.,Typical applications for parts finished by forging or extrusion of these alloys include undersea instrument and repeater housings, generator rings, and resistance welding components.,Typical applications include precision coil springs and pins for burn-in and test socket contacts and probe pins, computer processor socket contacts, cold headed fasteners, modular jack contacts, woven mesh electromagnetic shielding gaskets and resilient eyeglass frames.,EtchMet alloy is a material that is tailor made for the springs in voice coil motors and optical image stabilization systems common in smart phone cameras.