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Convert from kPa to MPa

To convert from kPa to MPa enter the desired value for kPa below and the tool will convert it to MPa and all other available units. You can also select and convert other types of units.

1 kPa = 1E-3 MPa

Chose type of unit for conversion



Quick conversion chart of kPa to MPa:

1 kPa = 1E-3 MPa

2 kPa = 2E-3 MPa

3 kPa = 3E-3 MPa

4 kPa = 4E-3 MPa

5 kPa = 5E-3 MPa

6 kPa = 6E-3 MPa

7 kPa = 7E-3 MPa

8 kPa = 8E-3 MPa

9 kPa = 9E-3 MPa

10 kPa = 0.01 MPa