BS CZ115 (CW722R) High Tensile Brass

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CZ115 (CuZn40Mn1Pb1FeSn) is a duplex high tensile brass with a restricted aluminium content to facilitate soldering and brazing. Sometimes referred to as a manganese bronze, CZ115 (CW722R) has additions of iron, tin and manganese that benefit the physical and mechanical attributes of the alloy. The grade was developed to allow high strength brass components to be joined. The additions of tin and iron contribute to improved strength levels, with the tin content improving the corrosion resistance. CZ115 (CW722R) also offers good machinability, ease of hot forging and lends itself to finish plating.

Related Standards

Equivalent Materials

This material data has been provided by Matmatch.

"Typical" values were obtained via a literature search. "Predicted" values were imputed via artificial intelligence technology. While we have placed significant efforts in ensuring data accuracy, "typical" and "predicted" data should be considered indicative and verified by appropriate material testing. Please do contact us if additional information on the the predicted data method is required.
All metrics apply to room temperature unless otherwise stated. SI units used unless otherwise stated.
Equivalent standards are similar to one or more standards provided by the supplier. Some equivalent standards may be stricter whereas others may be outside the bounds of the original standard.

Ashby charts





23.0 °C

12 - 15 %

Show Material materials with Elongation of 12 - 15 %

Tensile strength

23.0 °C

440 - 460 MPa

Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 440 - 460 MPa

Yield strength

23.0 °C

210 - 250 MPa

Show Material materials with Yield strength of 210 - 250 MPa

Chemical properties



0.1 %

Show Material materials with Aluminium of 0.1 %


58 %

Show Material materials with Copper of 58 %


0.7 %

Show Material materials with Iron of 0.7 %


0.6 %

Show Material materials with Tin of 0.6 %


39 %

Show Material materials with Zinc of 39 %

Technological properties

Application areas

General: Gas valves and fittings, fasteners, pump trim, gears, locks, heavy-duty electrical connectors, marine hardware, transmission components, safety tools and decorative metalwork

Corrosion properties

A very good corrosion resistance but not as high as CZ114.

General machinability

Readily machinable alloy