Akulon® UDea™ PA6-GF60

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Akulon® is our family of high performance polyamide 6 and polyamide 66 materials, used by customers across the world in applications ranging from automotive, electronics & electrical, to furniture and packaging.
We offer Akulon® grades for injection molding, blow molding and extrusion (including barrier film, stock shapes, convoluted tubes, and mono and multi filament).
In molded parts the material offers an excellent balance of easy design and processing with outstanding mechanical properties over a wide temperature range and in diverse conditions. Meanwhile for extrusion the strength, resilience and easy processing of Akulon® sets the market standards.

Datasheet URL:

Akulon® UDea™ PA6-GF60

This material data has been provided by DSM.

"Typical" values were obtained via a literature search. "Predicted" values were imputed via artificial intelligence technology. While we have placed significant efforts in ensuring data accuracy, "typical" and "predicted" data should be considered indicative and verified by appropriate material testing. Please do contact us if additional information on the the predicted data method is required.
All metrics apply to room temperature unless otherwise stated. SI units used unless otherwise stated.
Equivalent standards are similar to one or more standards provided by the supplier. Some equivalent standards may be stricter whereas others may be outside the bounds of the original standard.

Ashby charts



PropertyValueConditionTesting Standard


1.7 g/cm³

Show Supplier Material materials with Density of 1.7 g/cm³


ISO 1183

Moisture absorption

1 %

Show Supplier Material materials with Moisture absorption of 1 %


Sim. to ISO 62


PropertyValueConditionTesting StandardComment

Glass transition temperature

60 °C

Show Supplier Material materials with Glass transition temperature of 60 °C


ISO 11357-1/-2


Melting point

220 °C

Show Supplier Material materials with Melting point of 220 °C


ISO 11357-1/-3


Technological properties

Application areas

Door panel, Wheel, Central Floor


60% Glass Fiber