Biopolymer Injicera CPX 901

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Injection grade bio resin developed to process molded products.

This material data has been provided by Indochine Bio Plastiques (ICBP) Sdn. Bhd..

"Typical" values were obtained via a literature search. "Predicted" values were imputed via artificial intelligence technology. While we have placed significant efforts in ensuring data accuracy, "typical" and "predicted" data should be considered indicative and verified by appropriate material testing. Please do contact us if additional information on the the predicted data method is required.
All metrics apply to room temperature unless otherwise stated. SI units used unless otherwise stated.
Equivalent standards are similar to one or more standards provided by the supplier. Some equivalent standards may be stricter whereas others may be outside the bounds of the original standard.

Ashby charts




Bio-based content

100 %

Show Material materials with Bio-based content of 100 %


1.26 g/cm³

Show Material materials with Density of 1.26 g/cm³




3.0 %

Show Material materials with Elongation of 3.0 %

Flexural modulus

2.38 GPa

Show Material materials with Flexural modulus of 2.38 GPa

Flexural strength

80.0 MPa

Show Material materials with Flexural strength of 80.0 MPa

Hardness, Shore D

69.0 [-]

Show Material materials with Hardness, Shore D of 69.0 [-]

Impact strength, Izod unnotched, ASTM

8.0 J/m

Show Material materials with Impact strength, Izod unnotched, ASTM of 8.0 J/m

Tensile strength

54 MPa

Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 54 MPa



Max service temperature

250.0 °C

Show Material materials with Max service temperature of 250.0 °C

Melting point

170 °C

Show Material materials with Melting point of 170 °C

Rheological Properties


Melt mass-flow rate

60 g/10min

Show Material materials with Melt mass-flow rate of 60 g/10min


80 g/10min

Show Material materials with Melt mass-flow rate of 80 g/10min


Technological properties

Application areas

Molded products, cutleries, tableware (<100°C)


Food Contact: Halal

Processing methods

1. Clean extruder with general purpose polypropylene or polystyrene. 2. Vacuum out hopper system to avoid contamination and make sure that the humidity of the air is below 40°C at dew point. 3. Introduce ICBP Bio Resin in to the extruder at the operating conditions used in the first step. 4. Once ICBP Bio Resin has been purged, reduce barrel temperatures to desired set points. 5. At shutdown, purge machine with PP or PS.